21 habits that contribute to a happy life

Happiness isn’t as easy to find as movies and self help books full of “think positively” mantras would lead us to believe. Happiness, like anything worthwhile is hard to achieve, needs work to maintain, but is worth the struggle to find it! We can all find a measure of happiness and satisfaction in our lives,…

3 tips on accepting help when you suffer from chronic illness

It is hard when you are sick, it doesn’t matter what is the cause of your chronic illness  either, it may be physical, mental, or a combination of both! The damage that illness causes is devastating to most people, their lives change irrevocably. One of the most painful things though to deal with is not…

10 ways to inspire better mental health

They say that when life hands you lemons, cut them into wedges and have tequila shots. It is all about how you look at a situation that will determine how you react to it – while it isn’t always easy to reframe things in a positive light if you are struggling with depression or anxiety,…

What I wish you knew about my struggles

A commonly expressed opinion is that those who talk about mental health problems are doing so for pity or attention. It is assumed that only these things could be a solid enough reason for speaking about something so taboo and uncomfortable. Please let me speak for myself, and possibly on behalf of many others, so…